Flights in MiG-29 in December 2012

flight in Mig-29
near MIG-29

Good news for today! Three our tourists from Poland and one tourist from Japan have had flights in MiG-29 on 10-11 December!!!
December is a winter month. And the weather conditions are unpredictable. We all expected good weather but it changed and became worse. So the tourists were afraid that MiG-29 would not be able to fly. MiG-29 is a very powerful fighter-jet and it managed to fly.
It was a real delight! The tourists saw the stratosphere and could see the beautiful Earth from the altitude of 20 km and black space above them. Sure it was a high light of the year for each of them!
They planned their flights beforehand and they were prepared in a proper way. All of them are very satisfied with the flight. And each tourist has got lots of impressions! It will be a memory for all their life!
